Physical Address
Cnr van Riebeeck and Modderfontein Road, Greenstone Hill, 1616
Contact Details
011 524 0445
GPS Co-ordinates
Click here for Google Map Location

Date these T’s and C’s were first published: 17 June 2021
These Competition T’s & C’s, as may be amended from time to time, explain your rights and duties in respect of the Competition. If you take part in this Competition and/or accept any prize, these T’s and C’s will apply to you. Please read the T’s and C’s carefully and pay special attention to all the terms printed in bold.
Competition name:
Shop & Win: 6.7 min Trolley Dash of Hope
Promoter’s details:
This Competition is conducted and organized by Word4Word Marketing on behalf of Greenstone Shopping Centre.
Who cannot enter the Competition?
The Competition may not be entered into by any director, member, partner, employee, agent, consultant, tenant of the Landlord at the Mall, anybody employed at Greenstone Shopping Centre, the marketing service providers and/or any person who directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by these entities, including their spouses, life partners, business partners or immediate family members. The Competition can be entered by anyone above the age of 16 years.
Competition Period:
The Competition runs from 18 June 2021 until Midnight on 12 July 2021 (“Competition Period”). Any entries received outside of the Competition Period will not be taken into consideration.
How to enter?
To enter the Competition, a Participant will be required to:
Upon compliance with i) and ii) and iii) above, as the case may be, a Participant will automatically be deemed to have entered the Competition.
Limitation on entries
A Participant may enter as many times as he/she wishes during the Competition Period, but can only win once.
How will the Winner/s be selected?
Two winners will be selected via a random lucky draw. The random draw will be overseen by an independent auditor.
Winner announced on:
Winners will be contacted during Trading Hours either telephonically or via email on the contact number or email address provided by the Winner on the till slip on Tuesday, 13 July 2021
The prizes
The 1st Prize Winner will win vouchers to the value of R4000.00 from Greenstone Shopping Centre.
The 2nd Prize Winner will win vouchers to the value of R2000.00 from Greenstone Shopping Centre.
Upliftment of prizes
All Winners must be available to participate in the Trolley Dash at 6pm – 16:15pm at the Pick n Pay in Greenstone Shopping Centre and will receive their prizes after the Trolley Dash on 16 July 2021.
General terms
1. The Landlord reserves the right to terminate the Competition with immediate effect before the end of the Competition Period at any time, if deemed necessary in its sole discretion or if circumstances arise outside of its control. No Participant will have any claim against the Landlord for such a termination.
2. The Landlord shall not be responsible for any loss or misdirected entries, including but not limited to entries that were not received due to any failure of hardware, software, or other computer or technical systems affecting participating in the Competition.
3. Participation in the Competition constitutes automatic acceptance of the T’s and C’s contained herein and the Participant agrees to abide by the T’s and C’s.
4. Winners may not win any Mall Competition more than once in a 30-day period. Any winners drawn who have won in the last 30 days will be disqualified from any such Competition and another winner will be drawn.
5. All Winners in respect of the Competition may be requested to be photographed so that their photographs may be used for future promotional purposes in relation to the Mall. Promoting platforms will include the Mall Facebook page, website page and shopping centre retail industry publications. No fees will be payable in this regard. The Winners will be given the opportunity to decline the publication of their images.
6. The Landlord does not make any representations or give any warranties, whether express or implicit, that the Participant’s participation in this Competition will necessarily result in the Participant winning a prize or that the aforesaid Prizes will meet the Participant’s unique requirements, preferences, standards or expectations.
7. To the extent permissible in law, the Landlord is not responsible and cannot be held liable for any accident, injury, harm, death, loss or damages of whatsoever nature, howsoever arising, as a result of the Participant’s participation in this Competition, unless the Landlord acted fraudulently or with gross negligence.
8. Participants are obliged to comply with all applicable laws, including those laws protecting the intellectual property rights of other parties.
9. These T’s and C’s will be construed, interpreted and enforced in terms of South African law.
10. The Landlord will make a final and binding decision in respect of all matters relating to the results, qualifiers and disputes relating to the Competition, and no correspondence will be entered into.
Amendment of T’s and C’s
If considered necessary, the Landlord reserves the right to amend the T’s and C’s by providing reasonable prior notice.
Any questions, comments or complaints regarding the Competition are to be directed to:
Name: Jacqui Bloom (Marketing Manager)
Telephone: 011 524 0445
Physical Address
Cnr van Riebeeck and Modderfontein Road, Greenstone Hill, 1616
Contact Details
011 524 0445
GPS Co-ordinates
Click here for Google Map Location
General Manager
Tiffiny Scott
011 524 0445
Operations Manager
Eddy Pillay
011 524 0445
Marketing Manager
Delta Bellagarda
011 524 0445
Sales Manager
Lizell de Klerk
011 524 0445
Senior Lease Administrator
Natasha Clifford
011 524 0445